Thursday, July 21, 2011

Paris Hilton Walks Out of Interview

Paris Hilton Walks Out of Interview

On today's 'GMA,' correspondent Dan Harris sat down with Paris Hilton to discuss her prospects as other celebrities like the Kardashians take an ever-increasing share of the spotlight. "Paris Hilton was the first, the original celebutante, practically the inventor of that thoroughly modern phenomenon: Being famous for being famous," Harris explains. "Do you worry at times that the people who have followed in your footsteps, like Kim Kardashian, are overshadowing you?" he asks in the interview. To which Paris replies, "No, not at all." 

However, as he continues this line of questioning, Paris stands up and walks out. "What followed was a long, heated conversation with Hilton and her publicist," Harris explains. Afterwards, Paris cooled off and finished the interview, saying that it's always important to find ways to "reinvent yourself." 

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