For evidence that social networking websites fuel an unhealthy fascination with the everyday lives of others, look no further than Poppy Dinsey.
The 24-year-old blogger has become an internet sensation by posting pictures of herself online wearing a different outfit for every day of the year.
She has won female fashion followers with her designer dresses and style tips.

Male admirers, meanwhile, have appreciated shots of the brunette dressing in a saucy Santa costume on Christmas Day and a plunging top on National Cleavage Day.
Poppy, of Guildford, Surrey, started her ‘What I Wore Today’ blog on January 1 last year after making a New Year resolution to vary her outfits.
Her site now attracts 90,000 visitors a month and she is planning to expand it into an entire social network for fashion fans to upload their own pictures.
Poppy, who studied economics at University College, London, was working for a property search engine when she went on holiday to California in December 2009.
She says: ‘I came up with a New Year's resolution to try and wear something different every day, take a picture on my iPhone and upload it.
‘The previous year I'd decided to always have nice nails, so it seems my resolutions are quite girly.

‘Partly, it was just that I was feeling smug wearing a dress in California and wanted to show it off to people shivering in a coat in England.
‘It was a completely throwaway project. I had no idea how big it would become.’
Poppy's first post read: 'Hopefully by the end of 2010, I will have posted 365 photos of what I wear each day.
‘There is zero point to this blog other than to persuade me to wear a lot more of my rather extensive wardrobe.'
As she quickly won a loyal following, she accompanied the pictures with humorous and saucy comments.
A jumper featuring a reindeer was captioned 'Well Christmassy. Cut me, I bleed port'.
Under a shot of her in pyjamas she wrote 'Yes, I did get new pyjamas for Christmas. Yes, they do match my ginger teddy'.

And she said of her sexy Santa costume on Christmas Day: 'I am still so drunk enough to think this is appropriate attire for the grandparents'.
Modelling a demure dress, she wrote: 'I look surprisingly 'pleasant' today like butter wouldn't melt. It is a mistake I assure you.'
On National Cleavage Day, she said of her plunging top: 'Apparently it's National Cleavage Day?! I remember being thoroughly disappointed last year when I missed it, choosing some sort of puritan sacking dress instead (unusual, admittedly, as I do tend to have my boobs on display one way or another).'
Explaining her success with the site, Poppy said: ‘It only takes 30 seconds to check the site and women know they are going to see a different outfit every day. It does become addictive.
‘I am a normal person, not a size 6 and even if I am tired or sick I post a picture.
‘People get ideas of things to wear and how to mix them in a more realistic way than you see in some magazines.

‘There is a male following too. Right from the beginning, a lot of guys have been looking. They often ask me advice for what to buy their wives or girlfriends.’
Poppy has turned the site into a business model with users able to click on links to buy the outfits featured.
She has also been hired by retailers as a fashion guru and has reported from London Fashion Week and music festivals.
She now plans to expand the site into a social network where anyone can upload their daily outfits with competitions where users vote for ‘the most fashionable’ efforts.

Poppy said: ‘Rather than just doing a blog about myself, which has been my self-indulgent project until now, I'm launching as a proper social networking site where people can upload their own outfits.
‘We are already testing the site with about 100 people, and are almost ready to go.’
The site will come with an iPhone app, allowing users to take pictures of themselves easily and then tag the clothes they are wearing.
Visitors using links to buy the clothes will earn a sales percentage for the site, while those uploading pictures earn points which can be swapped for store discounts.
Poppy said: ‘It's a lot like tagging friends in Facebook but you'll be tagging clothes. It's very simple, and I hope people will want to do it every day.’
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